
Friday, August 20, 2010

heart symphony

It's holiday!!!
I'm going to spend my 3 weeks holiday by doing the same thing everyday
It's boring...
Wake up, take bath, have meal, going to IEC for teaching
Everyday gonna be like this
Well, I don't really care about it since I can keep in touch with my dearest
But in fact, the fortune fairy doesn't stay beside me all the time
Imagine how "often" we contact each other
Only when I wake him up in the morning and before I get my ticket back to dreamland
Not because of childish but REALLY I miss him every second
Sometimes I gotta cry to express my feeling although I know it won't make any significant improvement
Even when we are having a talk, we can keep quiet for few seconds bcoz we're lack of topic
Stupid isn't it?
It seems like nobody while in fact there's somebody who stands behind and ready to catch me when I fall
I can feel it long time ago but not now
Making him to stay beside me always is a totally impossible thing coz he has his own job to be done
I'm the most stupid girl in this world coz I can't appreciate what I've got
I should appreciate that he still love me (not sure actually), it should be more than enough but why should I ask for more???
Greedy me!!!
So ashamed!!!
I just wanna be good for him
Everything I've done is the best that I can give

Please notice that I love you so much
Anything that happen to you might kill me instantly

"Now or forever you will always be my dear"

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

where's the shooting stars??

I wish I could have a great day with my dearest some day
I wish I could celebrate every anniversary with my boy
I wish I could be the best for him
I wish I could hang out & have the best moment with him
I wish I could speak out what I want to have
If there's a chance, I would like to say "I WANT A BOYFRIEND!!!"
Pity me
It's just a dream
Parents keep on saying:
"You are too young to have a boyfriend"
"You still have so many opportunity to choose"
"Try to earn lots of money first"
"You will regret cause you will miss the time of hanging out with friends"
And the most terrible one is "I need you to continue your MASTER DEGREE"
I don't live for books and other stupid things!!
I choose to have my own freedom
I know I'm happy enough
I can have anything I wanted by purchasing or without purchasing
But now I really want to have a special care from somebody in my heart
All of you are exactly live inside my heart forever and I love my family so much, but what I'm talking right now is "A BOYFRIEND"

I admit that I feel envy with my friends who can have their lover staying beside them most of the time
OK, not staying together is not a big deal
I want to let my parents know that he's the one I love
I want them to approve this relationship
Maybe some people will suggest me for a BACKSTREET
Well, BACKSTREET isn't fun at all
I totally appreciate my parents for giving me a freedom to let "HIM" visit me that's why I keep on finding ways to tell them about the relationship that I wanted

Well, silly me
It's like waiting for thousands of shooting stars to rain on me

I really have no idea about what's happening with my boy & I
Having distance is the truth to be told

My head will soon blowing up!

Friday, July 16, 2010

what a damn!

What a terrible day!
How's your feeling while you are blamed for something simple??
I wonder why I have to be the guilty one
It screws up my mood the whole day
It's bee 2 times in a row that I was being blamed
Imagine that!!!

My relationship with him doesn't make any worthy improvement
But I won't really care about it from now on
Since I don't have any option, maybe that will be the best although it hurts me till my deepest heart
What I hope is we can stay in line with this condition
I hate this part!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

stupid feeling, Tere!

Just like usual..
He is busy, he forgets about me, no news like what we used to be
Sometimes I can think what happen in the past is far more better than now
But sometimes I can also deny that statement
I can feel the distance between us
I hope it's only my stupid feeling...
Everyday, I entertain myself by thinking about our pleasure moment
I think about when he spend his time to sit beside me although I'm too boring to make him excited
But I really appreciate his sacrifices to accompany me

Can't believe if we separated at the end
It must be a DOOM!
I hope he knows how much I love him

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A matter of future

Hello bloggers...
miss me?

Just like usual, it's a tiring day but I enjoy it

Not so enthusiastic for today
My dearest seems like having a kind of secret
He said just now he sent his colleague to took car at somewhere else
While I asked about his friend's gender
He acted so weird, what I mean is not telling me the truth
He said he was a guy while my heart said it might be a girl
I won't get angry or jealous if the person is a girl
What makes me sad is he can't promise to tell me the truth for everything

My dear...
If you read this, I want you to know that I've stepped on the path of maturity
I can understand how's your feeling if I acted childish or even overprotective
What I wanted is HONESTY...
Is that complicated???
I can do nothing coz I can't force you to say "YES" for what I want (pity me)
Need you to have a self awareness

It's the matter of future dear...
Nobody to blame

That's all
Cya on the next post

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I've accomplished my IDP product presentation
Free from project!
The next task will be Debate
Should work hard to offense the other team

My job...
Having 13 2 years old students inside class with only 2 teachers must be insane!
Cry,vomit and shout are the things I saw everyday
Burdens from the superior also complete my day

OK Let's make it a little bit crazy!

"Hey you SILLY AND STUPID STAFF!!! Don't ever dare to think that you can take me down coz you are not far more better than HELL! MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS IDIOTS!!!"

*acting like wonder woman*

Oh yes...
For my dearest David Tandean
Enjoy your job
Don't be too busy coz I'm rotting right here waiting for you XD
Keep your good work my dear
Buddha bless us
Sadhu sadhu sadhu

Cya on the next post guys

Monday, July 12, 2010

What a cool Sunday!

Yippie!!! That's what I called paradise!
Spending my time with you after a long long time that we never hanged out together
Although we could only meet for few hours but I really enjoyed it
Hopefully someday we could have more time to stay together
Really wish for that!
Recognized me about the previous happy moments
There was no regret for me to be with you (but I wasn't sure about your opinion to be with me)

Don't care
I will enjoy every moment that we have
Never fall apart till the destiny is the one who will break us down.
You are the greatest blessing from God my dear

Saturday, July 10, 2010

different in you

coming back again after a long long time

killed by assignments, projects, mid-test, quizzes and will be ended by final exams...
but now it left only final exam so gonna fight for it

What entertain me the most is HIM!!
how can it be?
well, he got a new job, as a technician and I think he loves it so much and absolutely happy
Hope that he can buy PC soon by having this job
What make me sad is I realize that both of us are having a distance now
It seems like we are just a friend (while actually we are still friend)
It's different from what we used to be
maybe he's too busy with his new job
I really miss those first meeting and Wishing Candle moment day by day

There's no anger in me for blaming him, it's not his fault at all, maybe I'm the one who is too sensitive
I just feel that he's different now while I'm not hoping for its' happening
I'm trying my best to make him comfortable
Oh Gosh... I shouldn't think too much, it makes me sick
What I want is we can be together forever

such a silly confession huh?

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Alohaaaaa bloggers...
Doing great???
It's tiring today, I got two classes and both of them are boring
Too boring till I can hardly to concentrate
Actually, not only those lessons which cause me stuck in the boredom
Since yesterday, I keep thinking about my life
I don't love what I'm doing (accounting major)
Feel kinda regret too to take Accounting major
Mess up with that major is not a thing that I ever wanted
Never dream of having this kind of life
What I want is to mess up with garments, beads, and model...
It's called the art of fashion design
Another choices can be interior design or beauty
Achieving those dream won't be easy
I need to adjust my time as wise as possible to avoid a messy schedule
This is what I call a true and worthy life

I've started to plan for my future to chase what I really want
This is the best way to have a bright future
I have to give a big concentration on this major

There's no "too late" words for study

Find the right path to step towards our future

God bless us~
See yah..

Thursday, June 24, 2010

It's holiday!!!!
Actually not a college holiday
It's just a work holiday
I'm working at IEC...
It's an english, mandarin, and japanese course
The school is having a holiday so, the teachers are all free!!
So happy cause it's been a long time that I've never stayed at home and relaxed after college
I prefer this instead of spending my time at Sun Plaza (wanna vomit when I think about it)
Nothing to do at Sun Plaza except going to cinema or shopping and eat
How can Medan be so boring???
This town really pissed me off!!

At this relaxing moment while I got nothing to do...
I'm thinking of taking a time on weekend to continue my photoshoot session
I've got so many inspiration for it that might make the session more colorful rather than keep on wearing a dress and take picture
Bright color jumpsuit will be the next wardrobe
I'm finding a pair of white sneaker to complete my wardrobe
It seems so hard to find and the price is killing me (almost give up)
Hope there's a miracle...

That's all
Happy holiday guys..

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

not good!!!

hello bloggers
it's late at night and I still post new blog

It's truly complicated
Maybe I'm too over, too protective (while I think I already try my best to limit it)
I'm thinking of confining my care to him
It will be the hardest thing that I ever determine, but it will make improvement (I hope)
by doing that way, I wish he could feel that he's going to lose my notice and try to fix everything back to normal, to where it suppose to be...
It will be better if I feel this pain now cause I think I'm strong enough to face this matter at this moment, who knows I can't accept it in the future, in which condition that will hurt me the most

It's a kind of intrigue for myself that will help me to make my mental tougher and try not to dig the sadness back to surface
Wish me luck~

nite bloggers

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hola~ bloggers...
How's your day??
might be fun right??

To day is so fun...
My Prince made appointment with me and we have lunch together
It's been a long time that we don't hav lunch together
We had lunch along with friends of mine, although there were only 5 people including me, I really love it...

There's something that keep spinning in my mind for this several weeks...
I really miss the moment when PC and I go to Wishing Candle event at AryaDuta Hotel 14march 2010
We had so many sweet moment since that day cause it was the day when we start our love journey (it's a little bit over but that's the fact hahaha)
I wish I could turn the time to that day whenever I want (although it's impossible)
Then, this few days, I keep thinking what will I be if I lose him, dead or suffer for my whole life?
Crazy isn't it??

I will always hope for the best for our relationship
Being in a place where he were is my whole life dream...

That's all for today...
See ya guys...

Friday, June 4, 2010

hello bloggers
long time no see
I'm leaving this blog for a long time
It's because I don't have any topic to share, plus I also feel lazy to write on this blog
For today, maybe I will tell about my primce charming (again)
well, you guys might wonder about what sort of thing he had done to me
Actually, the answer is NOTHING...
He is too kind to make a mistake
In this few days
we almost lose contact because he was so busy and he didn't have any time to call or even SMS me
While he tried to find me, it's already late at night and of course I'd gone to my dreamland
The best way to describe this is "forgetting me because of messing with his thing"
Miss him???
Of course I do, but it's OK cause soon we will meet each other
What I afraid of is the girl who always find him..
Hope that he won't be influenced by that girl
Afraid of losing him too
I would rather die than suffer from the pain of losing him
I love and care about him more than myself
I would like to sacrifice myself for anything as long as it makes him happy
If he plan to leave me, it would be better that he plan to kill me
I'm not fond of love game (no offense to Lady Gaga)
Loving someone means I want to be with him forever
Keep on supporting each other is a kind of relationship that I ever wanted

Dear: David Tandean
Thanks for the love and trust you have given, I really appreciate it
They are the best present that I ever get
Leaving you or even forgetting you is mission impossible
Those thing will never happen except you are the one who ask me to stop loving you
Even if you are begging me to do that, I still can't guarantee that my heart will obey it
This rebellious heart can only be tamed by you
Everything that I write here might seem so over, but this is what I'm feeling right now
What I want is we can LIVE TOGETHER FOREVER AFTER (suddenly shrek forever after come in my mind hahaha)

That's all for this post
You can drop by any comment you would like to say
see ya on the next post
Have a nice day

Friday, May 14, 2010

hello bloggers.......
what a nice holiday
okayyyy.. let's straight to the point...

having a trip at brastagi is totally fun
with my friends and of course the prince
but all of a sudden
Well, not really betrayed actually...
sending short messages to his friends (girl) with a contains that full of care
i really don't mind if he want to SMS another girl, but this case is totally different
i was really mad but i did't show it off, on the contrary, i talked to him wisely
the first thing that come into my mind when i found out that thing is...
"WTF!!!!!!!!!! Everything that i done for you seems useless like a trash"
Two days ago ( 12th May )
we also caught into a little quarrel but everything is OK now
That night..
he didn't contact me and he said he fell asleep
it is a reasonable reason for me and i just threw it out of my mind...
IN FACT, at approximately 20.30 at night ( 12th May )
He wanted to send a girl to IT&B Campus and have some chit chat at her house
It makes me seems useless cause I feel that I can't help him even a thing till he wants to have a chit chat with another girl...
Although you are the one I love, but once HEARTBREAK IS HEARTBREAK!!!!!!!!!!

He said SORRY... But, does it worth even a thing on earth than my heartbreak??
Actually, my trust for you is decreasing...
Maybe I just need to aware for the other case that will happen and prepare my mental..
NO MORE SADNESS (trying)...
that's all for this post
have a nice day guys
see you...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Hello bloggers
It's been a long long time that i don't update my blog
no wonder
lazy syndrome
Today I wanna share the pieces of my frustrated mental
I don't want to be an overprotective person for him and in fact I don't like to limit his activity
But now, there's something which is too excessive between his relationship with others (girls of course)
I can say that it might be only a friend (for this moment) but for the future????
I don't really take it as a big problem if he has so many friends (girls) even I never think that they are special friends
But, what the hell things on earth that could make him so kind to that girl???
Just because of his status or maybe the leadership of a thing called destiny??????
They might be a possible reasons...
How's your feeling when you see someone you love close to another girl??
Smile won't be such a logical answer except you aren't serious with him...
Actually, I don't have a right to make a complain EVEN IF I HAVE THAT RIGHT, I ALSO CAN'T COMPLAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That girl is far more better than me physically...
What I hope is he can realize by himself and of course I need his loyalty and honesty

That's all for this post...
see ya guys..
gonna miss you

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

holiday post

It's been so many years that I don't update my blog
My holiday is really fun
i enjoy it so much
i went to Sibayak for hiking
with Prince Charming of course and we have so much fun...
it"s very cold right there but the scene was totally amazing!!!
i miss that place
PLUS!!! I saw meteor twice and i were really satisfied with that journey although i feel a bad effect after hiking (my whole body feels so hurt)
the next i will talk about my dream...
I really want to be a model
I'm working on that thing now
I use so many effort to make it real
I hope I can make it
My first effort is to grow taller again
I'm trying my best to grow taller so, i asked my daddy to buy me a skipping rope
Hope that thing will help me more
Maybe my dream sounds a little bit crazy and impossible
But, how to say...
no matter it is possible or not... I'll keep trying...
At least, i don't regret for what i've done
wish me luck guys
really need your support!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hello bloggers
How are you guys doing???
It's been a long time that I leave this blog
So, what happen to me actually???
I'm busy with my 1 week final examination and the laziness impact me...
I'm dying on the last day of examination!!!
Indeed, I forget the formula to solve the question, but I hope I can pass it cause I'm doing good in my Mid Test
And now...
Let's talk about my prince charming
Yesterday, he went back to his hometown, we did SMS while he was in the train and suddenly he didn't reply me until now!!!
Surprisingly, I don't feel sad
I don't know what kind of virus has infected me, but that's what I'm feeling RIGHT NOW!!!!!!
Even, I can hardly recognize his face cause it's been 3weeks that we don't meet each other
Next week, we will go hiking and to be honest, I can't stand it anymore
Hope we can have a meaningful moment
That's all for this post
See you guys...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hello bloggers...
I feel so blue today
that silly david tandean refused to accompany me to Sun Plaza
Actually, we made an appointment to gather at my house but i cancelled it b'coz of my mommy
I hate this day!!!!!!
So lonely at Sun Plaza...
I couldn't stand being abandoned
it'd been 3 days that he abandoned me without any purpose
i tried to drive my negative thinking away, but i couldn't make it
I should trust him
To be honest, I dropped my tears starting from afternoon until now
@david tandean: i'm so sorry that i can't fulfill my promise to you for not crying again, but really, i can't stand it anymore, it's not a kind of funny things that can keep me happy all the day...
Hope this situation won't last for long coz i'm DYING right now!!!!!
i'm not feeling very well now
feels like something will come out from my mouth which is being triggered from my stomach
see ya on the next blog post

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hello bloggers.....

Are you guys having a nice day??



Today I would like to talk about someone

he means everything to me



Doesn't he look so nice???
Here we go..
~ David Tandean
~ Hometown = Tebing Tinggi
~ Majoring in Teknik Informatika
~ A smart guy, mature, kind, and of course friendly
Well, I met him the first time when i got problem with my laptop and he helped me to fix it. That's the first time we both met face to face after a long long time we knew each other only by sending sms and making call.
My first impression when I saw him was "a very tall guy but handsome"
He's very tall, reaching 180cm since, I am only 153cm ...... PITY ME :(
Although he's overheight, he still try to cope with me. That's why I ADORE HIM!!!!
Actually, we are not yet a couple, we still working on something which will result a better relationship for us
No idea about how long will it last but I really TRUST him
Hope he will be my future husband
[Oh no, I'm blushing...]
Wish me luck...

Well, I think that's all for now
See you guys on the next new post...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My alarm is the earthquake!!!!

Hello bloggers....
It's almost 8 in the morning...
How's your sleep??
I can make sure that it's not good
Being woke up by your family at 5 coz we were hitted by a 7.2 turbulance
I wondered what I was dreaming of at that time
I hope that I'm not dreaming of my WHITE HORSE PRINCE
I was so shock too
Dearest mommy suddenly shouted loudly in a condition of carrying my little sister
On the contrary, I woke up in a terrible face, almost pale I think, and along with my family, we ran up to the roof...
The weird one, my mommy could still gossiping with neighborhood...
Silly mommy...
So, what did I do at that time??
Of course felt panic...
I kept on calling my little prince to wake up, but he didn't pick up my phone
At last, luckily, he woke up coz he heard noisy sounds, he called me and I was so delighted coz it proved that the silly earthquake affected him nothing
Crazy little prince...
That's all for this morning
See ya on the next post

my first blog post!!!!

Well, it's my first day of blogging
I just create this account cause I feel interested
Pouring all of your thoughts here
It might be fun
Since my account still looks bad, I'll try to fix this ASAP
I don't even interested with this kind of template
Oh no, I talk too much...
Well, let me introduce myself
IT&B student
Interested in musics
That's all I think
See ya on the next post....