
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

where's the shooting stars??

I wish I could have a great day with my dearest some day
I wish I could celebrate every anniversary with my boy
I wish I could be the best for him
I wish I could hang out & have the best moment with him
I wish I could speak out what I want to have
If there's a chance, I would like to say "I WANT A BOYFRIEND!!!"
Pity me
It's just a dream
Parents keep on saying:
"You are too young to have a boyfriend"
"You still have so many opportunity to choose"
"Try to earn lots of money first"
"You will regret cause you will miss the time of hanging out with friends"
And the most terrible one is "I need you to continue your MASTER DEGREE"
I don't live for books and other stupid things!!
I choose to have my own freedom
I know I'm happy enough
I can have anything I wanted by purchasing or without purchasing
But now I really want to have a special care from somebody in my heart
All of you are exactly live inside my heart forever and I love my family so much, but what I'm talking right now is "A BOYFRIEND"

I admit that I feel envy with my friends who can have their lover staying beside them most of the time
OK, not staying together is not a big deal
I want to let my parents know that he's the one I love
I want them to approve this relationship
Maybe some people will suggest me for a BACKSTREET
Well, BACKSTREET isn't fun at all
I totally appreciate my parents for giving me a freedom to let "HIM" visit me that's why I keep on finding ways to tell them about the relationship that I wanted

Well, silly me
It's like waiting for thousands of shooting stars to rain on me

I really have no idea about what's happening with my boy & I
Having distance is the truth to be told

My head will soon blowing up!

Friday, July 16, 2010

what a damn!

What a terrible day!
How's your feeling while you are blamed for something simple??
I wonder why I have to be the guilty one
It screws up my mood the whole day
It's bee 2 times in a row that I was being blamed
Imagine that!!!

My relationship with him doesn't make any worthy improvement
But I won't really care about it from now on
Since I don't have any option, maybe that will be the best although it hurts me till my deepest heart
What I hope is we can stay in line with this condition
I hate this part!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

stupid feeling, Tere!

Just like usual..
He is busy, he forgets about me, no news like what we used to be
Sometimes I can think what happen in the past is far more better than now
But sometimes I can also deny that statement
I can feel the distance between us
I hope it's only my stupid feeling...
Everyday, I entertain myself by thinking about our pleasure moment
I think about when he spend his time to sit beside me although I'm too boring to make him excited
But I really appreciate his sacrifices to accompany me

Can't believe if we separated at the end
It must be a DOOM!
I hope he knows how much I love him

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A matter of future

Hello bloggers...
miss me?

Just like usual, it's a tiring day but I enjoy it

Not so enthusiastic for today
My dearest seems like having a kind of secret
He said just now he sent his colleague to took car at somewhere else
While I asked about his friend's gender
He acted so weird, what I mean is not telling me the truth
He said he was a guy while my heart said it might be a girl
I won't get angry or jealous if the person is a girl
What makes me sad is he can't promise to tell me the truth for everything

My dear...
If you read this, I want you to know that I've stepped on the path of maturity
I can understand how's your feeling if I acted childish or even overprotective
What I wanted is HONESTY...
Is that complicated???
I can do nothing coz I can't force you to say "YES" for what I want (pity me)
Need you to have a self awareness

It's the matter of future dear...
Nobody to blame

That's all
Cya on the next post

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I've accomplished my IDP product presentation
Free from project!
The next task will be Debate
Should work hard to offense the other team

My job...
Having 13 2 years old students inside class with only 2 teachers must be insane!
Cry,vomit and shout are the things I saw everyday
Burdens from the superior also complete my day

OK Let's make it a little bit crazy!

"Hey you SILLY AND STUPID STAFF!!! Don't ever dare to think that you can take me down coz you are not far more better than HELL! MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS IDIOTS!!!"

*acting like wonder woman*

Oh yes...
For my dearest David Tandean
Enjoy your job
Don't be too busy coz I'm rotting right here waiting for you XD
Keep your good work my dear
Buddha bless us
Sadhu sadhu sadhu

Cya on the next post guys

Monday, July 12, 2010

What a cool Sunday!

Yippie!!! That's what I called paradise!
Spending my time with you after a long long time that we never hanged out together
Although we could only meet for few hours but I really enjoyed it
Hopefully someday we could have more time to stay together
Really wish for that!
Recognized me about the previous happy moments
There was no regret for me to be with you (but I wasn't sure about your opinion to be with me)

Don't care
I will enjoy every moment that we have
Never fall apart till the destiny is the one who will break us down.
You are the greatest blessing from God my dear

Saturday, July 10, 2010

different in you

coming back again after a long long time

killed by assignments, projects, mid-test, quizzes and will be ended by final exams...
but now it left only final exam so gonna fight for it

What entertain me the most is HIM!!
how can it be?
well, he got a new job, as a technician and I think he loves it so much and absolutely happy
Hope that he can buy PC soon by having this job
What make me sad is I realize that both of us are having a distance now
It seems like we are just a friend (while actually we are still friend)
It's different from what we used to be
maybe he's too busy with his new job
I really miss those first meeting and Wishing Candle moment day by day

There's no anger in me for blaming him, it's not his fault at all, maybe I'm the one who is too sensitive
I just feel that he's different now while I'm not hoping for its' happening
I'm trying my best to make him comfortable
Oh Gosh... I shouldn't think too much, it makes me sick
What I want is we can be together forever

such a silly confession huh?