
Friday, May 14, 2010

hello bloggers.......
what a nice holiday
okayyyy.. let's straight to the point...

having a trip at brastagi is totally fun
with my friends and of course the prince
but all of a sudden
Well, not really betrayed actually...
sending short messages to his friends (girl) with a contains that full of care
i really don't mind if he want to SMS another girl, but this case is totally different
i was really mad but i did't show it off, on the contrary, i talked to him wisely
the first thing that come into my mind when i found out that thing is...
"WTF!!!!!!!!!! Everything that i done for you seems useless like a trash"
Two days ago ( 12th May )
we also caught into a little quarrel but everything is OK now
That night..
he didn't contact me and he said he fell asleep
it is a reasonable reason for me and i just threw it out of my mind...
IN FACT, at approximately 20.30 at night ( 12th May )
He wanted to send a girl to IT&B Campus and have some chit chat at her house
It makes me seems useless cause I feel that I can't help him even a thing till he wants to have a chit chat with another girl...
Although you are the one I love, but once HEARTBREAK IS HEARTBREAK!!!!!!!!!!

He said SORRY... But, does it worth even a thing on earth than my heartbreak??
Actually, my trust for you is decreasing...
Maybe I just need to aware for the other case that will happen and prepare my mental..
NO MORE SADNESS (trying)...
that's all for this post
have a nice day guys
see you...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Hello bloggers
It's been a long long time that i don't update my blog
no wonder
lazy syndrome
Today I wanna share the pieces of my frustrated mental
I don't want to be an overprotective person for him and in fact I don't like to limit his activity
But now, there's something which is too excessive between his relationship with others (girls of course)
I can say that it might be only a friend (for this moment) but for the future????
I don't really take it as a big problem if he has so many friends (girls) even I never think that they are special friends
But, what the hell things on earth that could make him so kind to that girl???
Just because of his status or maybe the leadership of a thing called destiny??????
They might be a possible reasons...
How's your feeling when you see someone you love close to another girl??
Smile won't be such a logical answer except you aren't serious with him...
Actually, I don't have a right to make a complain EVEN IF I HAVE THAT RIGHT, I ALSO CAN'T COMPLAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That girl is far more better than me physically...
What I hope is he can realize by himself and of course I need his loyalty and honesty

That's all for this post...
see ya guys..
gonna miss you